Lambs Tabernacle

Lambs Tabernacle

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Logan Barns

Logan Barns

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Marble Canyon

Marble Canyon

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Mountains across from Lambs Knoll

Mountains across from Lambs Knoll

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Natural Bridge

Natural Bridge

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Near Rainbow Point

Near Rainbow Point

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Path at sunset lookout

Path at sunset lookout

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Soaptree Yucca near Silver City

Soaptree Yucca near Silver City

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Storm Clouds at Beaver, Utah

Storm Clouds at Beaver, Utah

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
View from Coronado

View from Coronado

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
View towards Marble Canyon

View towards Marble Canyon

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...


Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...

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