Poipu, Kauai

Poipu, Kauai

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Makawehi Bluff

Makawehi Bluff

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Poipu Bay

Poipu Bay

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Overcast at Green Lake

Overcast at Green Lake

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Osoyoos from Anarchist Mountain

Osoyoos from Anarchist Mountain

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Fall Trees near Willowbrook

Fall Trees near Willowbrook

Original oil painting on wood panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...
Dusk in October sketch

Dusk in October sketch

Original oil painting on wood panel. This phase of paintings was interesting because I was experimenting with lead oil grounds. That’s a whole other beast. Depending on how much oil is used in the ground, the lead can either completely suck the snot out of oil...
Gordon Bay, Lake Cowichan

Gordon Bay, Lake Cowichan

Original oil painting on canvas panel. This painting was painted en plein air on location. The inspiration is taken from a specific moment and was not touched again in the studio. After the paint has dried it’s then varnished with Gamvar varnish for archival...

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